Blwyddyn 6
Croeso i Flwyddyn 6
6J - Mrs Jacobs
6B - Miss Broughton
KS2 Teaching Assistants
Miss Anthony
Mr Williams
Mrs Roberts
Miss Mears
PE Days and Kit
Outdoor PE - Tuesday
Indoor PE - Friday
On occasions your child's PE day may change, if this happens your child will be informed and a Dojo message will be sent out.
We will be changing for PE so please could the children bring joggers/leggings and trainers. Please provide a suitable jacket/hoodie for outside PE when the weather turns colder.
Maths homework will be completed via Sumdog. We expect the children to do 15-20 mins a day.
Spelling homework is given out on a Friday, the test will be on the following Friday.
The children will choose a reading book, which should be kept in their school bag. This will ensure they have their book readily available to read in school or at home. Ideally your child should try to read for 5-10 minutes a day.
Classroom Equipment
The children will need a small pencil case with a blue pen, green pen, pencil and a ruler.
They will need a water bottle everyday.
Please ensure that water bottles, cardigans, jumpers and coats are labelled with your child's name.