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Blwyddyn 5


5M - Mrs McNamara

5D - Mr Davies

Teaching Assistants

Mrs Ogden

Physical Education / Ymarfer Corff

PE Days and Kit 

Indoor PE - Wednesday

Outdoor PE - Thursday

We will be changing for PE so please could the children bring joggers/leggings and trainers. Please provide a suitable jacket/hoodie for outside PE when the weather turns colder. 

Homework / Gwaith catref

Sumdog - This will be set weekly. Once children have been given their individual username and password they will have a week to work through the set tasks. Each task aims to reinforce skills taught in class that week or provide children with an opportunity to rehearse basic numeracy skills appropriate for their age phase.

Spelling - This will be given out every Monday and the test will be on the following Monday. Please support your child in learning their weekly spellings.

Please visit the 'homework' section of our year group website for more information.

Reading - Your child will choose a reading book, which should be kept in their school bag. This will ensure they have their book readily available to read in school or at home.  Ideally your child should try to read for 10-15 minutes a day. They will then need to fill in ONE book (or chapter) review each week. Please see the curriculum talk powerpoint for further details.

Classroom Equipment

In Year 5, children are given the opportunity to bring their own pencil case into school. They will keep them in their tray. Pupils will need multiple writing pencils, coloured pencils, a green pen, rubber, sharpener and ruler. 

Please ensure that water bottles, cardigans, jumpers and coats are labelled with your child's name.


If you have any questions or queries please do not hesitate to contact your child's class teacher via dojo. Please remember to report any absences directly to the school office.