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Blwyddyn 1

Croeso i Flwyddyn 1


  • Miss Oats (1O)
  • Mrs Barrett and Mrs Couper (1BC)

Teaching Assistants 

  • Miss Milner
  • Mr Correia-Prosser
  • Mrs Bijalwan

A very warm welcome to Year 1. Below you will find some useful information. 


Monday - Outdoor PE 

Friday - Indoor PE 

Please ensure your child's bag contains black shorts, yellow T-shirt and a pair of trainers. PE bags will remain in school and will be sent home during half-term. 

Please label everything.          


We will provide a healthy snack each day at a cost of £1.50 per week. This can be paid weekly (on a Monday, in a labelled envelope, in their book bag) or half-termly / termly. 

Spring Term:

Weekly - £1.50

Half-term - £10.50 

Autumn term - £19.50

If you are able to help with the preparation of snacks at the start of the school day, please let staff know. 

Diolch yn Fawr

Year 1 team