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Eco News

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  • Eco Celebration - Year 5 Fairtrade Cafe

    Published 18/07/24

    Year 5 learnt about carbon footprints and how Fairtrade products can help farmers in other countries.

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  • Eco Celebration - Year 1 Bug Hotels

    Published 18/07/24

    Year 1 - Bug hunt and making bug hotels to attract more insects.

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  • Eco Celebration - Reception - How we feel before & after exercise

    Published 18/07/24

    Reception thought about how they felt before and after exercising. 

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  • Eco Celebration - Year 6 Water & Energy Conservation

    Published 18/07/24

    Year 6 had a visit from Dwr Cymru and then thought about ways to conserve water.  They also looked at the school's energy consumption and considered ways to reduce it. 

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  • Eco Celebration - Year 4 Beach clean & choosing sustainable fish

    Published 20/06/24
    When we started our topic, Blue Planet, we were excited to learn about all the different creatures that live in the sea. But then we found out that plastic is causing a problem for all the creatures that live in the ocean. We decided to do somethi
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  • Eco Celebration - Year 2 Eco Sandwich Wraps

    Published 16/04/24

    In Year 2, we completed an eco-activity where we investigated what we use to wrap our sandwiches. After carrying out a survey, we found out most children bring their food wrapped in cling film. After researching, we learnt this one-use plastic is bad for the environment, so we decided to think of a different way to wrap our food. Using the iPad, we researched different options and chose beeswax wraps as the best choice because they are reusable. We then decided to make our own beeswax wrap! We designed, measured, decorated and made our own wraps and now use them to wrap our tasty treats in! Year 2 put a short presentation together to 'show and share' their learning with the rest of the school. Have a look! 


    If you would like to make your own, here are instructions on how to make a beeswax wrap.

    Here is the PowerPoint that shows what the children did during the project.

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